Yoga Retreats & Workshops

Check here for upcoming events or contact me to discuss opportunities.

Cacao Ceremony

Cacao, sacred plant medicine of Costa Rica.

´Tsuru´Beautiful, dark, raw and extremely loving deliciousness Cacao.

The context of the ceremony is a sacred space that supports meditation. Chanting and ancestral healing practices will be present throughout the ceremony, this awakens a rare opportunity to explore and sit with the stories of your heart.

Sharing different somatic trauma release techniques to decompress the nervpus system from previous or old traumas stocked in the body.

Connect deeply and allow yourself to receive insights, inspiration and creative ideas. Invite your deepest desire to join ceremony.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Avoid caffeine and alcohol for the cacao gathering and enjoy light meals.

(60min / 90min)

Nimbu Experience

NIMBU : Means Water. Chorotega Náhuatl language. One of the most ancient original tribes from Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

If what you are looking for is an experience of deep relaxation, this treatment has as main objective to create the perfect aquatic environment to achieve deep profound meditation.

Incorporating all types of aquatic healing arts, costume made experience is deliver every time you get the opportunity to free your body in water.

Would describe it as a massage in water, where we celebrate the union of body, mind, and spirit. Water helps dispel the illusion of separation.

Release control, let go, and above all, trust.

An experience of rebirth, the opportunity to be the observer of the mind and surrender to the unconditional support of water and the gift of being held.

(60min / 90min)

See Here >> Watsu Demo

Aquatic Physio-Therapy

Based on the various physio therapeutic methods and mainly on the systems approach. Aquatic Physical Therapy, uses water physics characteristics to achieve goals.

The aquatic activity becomes a complement treatment of physical limitations. Water creates a great ambient to improve mobility, reduce pain and overall it balances the physio therapeutic treatment.

Integration of relaxing techniques and therapeutic exercises in water; combined with breathing. Through a series of wide and slow, continuous and fluid movements; in progressive sequences from least to greatest difficulty.

Regardless of who participates in this program, this is done to achieve the following:

  • Improve balance and postural control.

  • Increase or maintain ranges of functional movement in arms and legs.

  • Reduce the risk of falls in the elderly.

  • Integral Relaxation, reducing anxiety or stress.

  • Relieve inflammation. Immersing ourselves in water stimulates circulation to relieve and improve venous return.

  • Reduce pain for sciatica and fibromyalgia. Floating in water releases all pressure on the body, giving a great feeling of rest and restoration.

This is a low impact exercise. There is a lightweight feeling without putting pressure on legs, ankles, or other joints.

(60min / 90min)

Agua Gestante

Getting ready for birthing ceremony. Dedicated to create the perfect aquatic environment for mother-to-be during the stages of her pregnancy. These sessions creates a deep awareness and connection mother and baby, that strong bond will be key at the time of delivery.

Focused on giving the mother's aquatic experience before, during, and after childbirth, to provide the ideal support during the different stages of your pregnancy.

Relaxation, nurturing space, strengthening, stretching, lymphatic drainage, water massage; will be all be a part of these aquatic bodywork for future mamas.

(60min / 90min)

Contact Zarelly for group or private sessions, workshops, meditations, and retreats.